Therapy Services
Brothers Counseling offers services for any individual who identifies as male, to help restore happiness, meaning, and relationships. Therapy services are offered in person and online on a one-on-one or group basis. Evidenced-based techniques are used to address a wide range of symptoms. Services are designed around the unique ways men THINK, FEEL, and CHANGE.
Individual Therapy
Therapy sessions are offered in person in Franklin, TN, and online, Monday to Wednesday, 8 am – 5 pm. Additional times and days may be arranged upon request.
Now accepting new clients with no waiting list.
Group Therapy
For some men, the intimacy of a group counseling session provides a better fit. Our therapy groups meet in person in Franklin, TN, twice per month, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Each group is limited to 8 members, creating a close and focused environment. Four distinct groups are currently open for new members, each with a unique treatment focus, as listed below.
Nice Guy Recovery Group
For men recovering from the Nice Guy Syndrome. The Nice Guys meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month.
The Transformers
This group focuses on helping men understand their core Father, Mother, or other wounds and transform those wounds into gifts. The Transformers meet the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month
Happy Warriors
This group is for men experiencing chronic depression. Happy Warriors meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month.
Men of Honor
These men are healing from toxic and unhealthy masculinity. Men of Honor meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
If you think any one of these groups or individual therapy might be right for you start by contacting Randy Cook with Brothers Counseling.
Send a message or request and appointment
Fees and Insurance
It is a core value at Brothers Counseling that access to care should not be limited by a person’s insurance or ability to pay. Direct insurance payment is not accepted, but you can still benefit from your insurance coverage by seeking reimbursement directly. I can assist you in seeking direct reimbursement from your insurance carrier. The rationale for not taking insurance is simple. While I am happy to discount therapy fees for persons in need, insurance contracts require me to discount fees for the insurance company’s benefit, not the client’s. I prefer to see clients get that benefit.
Individual therapy services are offered for $150 per hour. A discounted fee schedule is available for those in financial need. Group therapy services are offered at a flat monthly fee of $80.